under construction
b 1989, Kamnik
2018- Academy of fine arts, Ljubljana, MA painting
2009-2014 - VIST-Higher school for applied sciences, BA- Photography
2004 – 2009 - SŠOF- Secondary school for design and photography , Photography
Solo exhibitions:
2022. On the last wall of KAMNIK(car), "Animals and Friends", Kamnik
2019. Kamnik cultural house, "New Exhibition" , Kamnik
2019. Stolp Škrlovec, "New Exhibition" Kranj
DLUL gallery,New exhibition , Ljubljana
2015. Kamnik cultural house
, Potatography, Kamnik
-Kino Šiška, "Kitchen", Ljubljana
-Drago F. Tinta, “Photography’s” ,Ljubljana
-Abounded house, Forests, Kamnik
Group exhibitions:
2020. Animals and friends, Fotogank: Masarykova c. (Metelkova)
2020. Razstava f/192, Fužine 10, Kamnik
-Dots, Umetnost na čakanju, Kranj
2019. Animals and friends, Galerija 7:069, Ljubljana
2019. Hello,FKK, Kamnik
2019. Dog, Glass and mirror, Foto VIST 2019, Galerija Photon, Ljubljana
2019. Frog, Samčev predor, Kamnik
2017. Kuhinja/kitchen, Cow experiment, Vodnikova domačija, Ljubljana
2017. Flaša, FKK, Kamnik cultural house
-Dog experiment, Shelter of Argentinian park, Ljubljana
-Brick it, Shelter of Argentinian park, Ljubljana
-Photatography, Kino Šiška, Ljubljana
-“unknown”, GT22, Maribor
-Hello, Fer De Lance, Lausanne
-Chicken experiment, Plevnik
-Kronkowska gallery, Celje
-Animale, Sova, 10.del, Zorye gallery, Ljubljana
-Glass and mirror in photography, MMC Kibla, Maribor
Cow experiment, Kino Šiška, Ljubljana
-“Unknown” Simulaker gallery, Novo Mesto
Cow experiment, MMC Kibla Maribor
2013: -
My moto, MCC hostel, Celje
Reflection of past,
Owl, Stolp Gallery, Maribor
-Part 4, Goga, Novo Mesto
-secret disco, Casa Del Quartiere, Torino (IT),
-Where Bojan Lies, Sij Gallery , Maribor
- Dog
Event, Galerija Photon, Ljubljana
2011: -
Soon,Photon gallery , Ljubljana
Animals and Friends, v prevodu Živali in prijatelji, je serija fotografij, ki združuje/druži podobe živali in prijateljev. Kljub različni vrsti živalskosti, mirno komunicirajo druga ob drugi. Serija se dotika statusa živalskosti in medvrstnih povezav, hkrati pa prevprašuje mesto fotografije znotraj konteksta neskončne produkcije vizualnega.
Google translate:
Animals and Friends, in translation Animals and Friends, is a series of photographs that combines / combines images of animals and friends. Despite the different types of animals, they communicate calmly next to each other. The series touches on the status of animality and interspecific connections, while questioning the place of photography within the context of the endless production of the visual.
MEMBRANA/Urska Savic (en)
MEMBRANA/Urska Savic (slo)